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Wizards of Ecom

Dec 29, 2021

For the whole year and the past 154 episodes, we always ask our guests their favorite books. Today, I'm sharing mine and wrapping the year up with my Top 4 favorite books that helped me a lot in my Amazon business and I hope they'll inspire and like I did.

Without further ado, join me and welcome the new year...

Dec 27, 2021

Each year we end with a few good lessons and start with new ones that we’ve learnt from the past. It has been a rough and ever changing year for all of us. Nonetheless, we survived and kept our resilient mode.

We are down to last few shows before we end the year 2021 and me and my co-host Noemi Bolojan is making this...

Dec 22, 2021

We are down to our last 3 episodes for this year and as promised, we will bring you topics that will be beneficial for you and will make you consider and excited about next year. So Today, I have with me no other than my co-host, Carlos Alvarez to help me dive into a topic that is dear for both of us as we are both...

Dec 20, 2021

Each year we end with a few good lessons and start with new ones that we’ve learnt from the past. It has been a rough and ever changing year for all of us. Nonetheless, we survived and kept our resilient mode.

We are down to last few shows before we end the year 2021 and me and my co-host Noemi Bolojan is making this...

Dec 15, 2021

We are back on the 2nd part of our 3-part Fail Fast, Fail Forward series. Though these are based from my personal experience, these experiences that I’d say are valuable and gladly sharing with you helped me be the better version of myself for my business. 

Failing forward is a skill set an entrepreneur should...